Your Treatment
On your first visit to West London Osteopaths, our receptionist will take your contact details, then your consulting osteopath will take your case history of the presenting problem(s) along with a full medical history.
This is followed by a physical examination, for which you will be asked to undress to your underwear, depending on the area under investigation. We examine your posture, spinal and other joint mobility; if appropriate other examinations may be performed, such as neurological or respiratory examinations.
At this point we will discuss our diagnosis and the treatment options for any problems we might have detected. If you are in agreement we will start treatment immediately.
In some cases, immediate treatment might not be appropriate and should wait until further investigations have taken place or additional information has been received from your GP, such as the results of X-rays, MRI scans or blood tests.
Osteopathic treatment usually involves the gentle pressure of hands to the muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints and other soft tissues of the body. We articulate and sometimes manipulate the joints of the spine or limbs. The aim of the treatment is to relieve pain and stress in the tissues, improving the body’s own ability to repair, compensate and adapt to its environment.
Osteopathy can help people at all stages of life:
Infants and children
Pregnant women and new mothers
Seniors and the elderly
Osteopathy is an ideal treatment for the entire journey through life: from birth into old age.
Further investigations
Sometimes it is necessary to obtain an X-ray or MRI scan in order to facilitate further diagnosis. This may be arranged via your NHS doctor or privately at local hospitals, for which we can provide recommendations.
Get in touch
Book an appointment ▸
Telephone 020 8749 0581
Emergency contact number 07595 563 048*
*Only use outside clinic hours
Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am - 2:00pm
Sunday: Closed but emergency visits available
David Tatton also holds a clinic on Wednesday afternoons at the Park Medical Centre, Invermead Close, W6 0QG.