West London Osteopaths


West London Osteopaths - treatments for mums and baby


West London Osteopaths combined Mother & Baby Assessment and Treatment

Our Osteopaths offer a comprehensive check-up for you and your baby. At WLO our Osteopaths are very interested in pre and post-natal conditions and fully understand the enormous changes that can occur during pregnancy. We offer rehab for mum as part of your post-partum care, which allows more flexibility in the way mum and baby are cared for during treatment time.

As well as helping set realistic exercise goals, we can tailor a comprehensive healing plan to help you feel more confident in your body. We will advise on many areas including feeding, sleep routines, and past or present conditions. Our osteopathic and naturopathic principles understand the importance of nutrition to help promote good health from the beginning. 

Don’t suffer because you are a mum! Many strains can be aided with gentle osteopathic treatment, which may also prepare you for future pregnancies. We teach you how to exercise because we know busy mothers don’t always have the time!

Some of the areas in which we specialise:

  • Pre and post-natal check ups

  • Full natal assessment 

  • Breastfeeding advice as well as some of the issues that may occur including tongue-tie and colic

  • Exercise prescription, which are proven to improve post birth strains and weaknesses.

  • Advice on diastasis recti 


Get in touch

Book an appointment ▸

Telephone 020 8749 0581

Emergency contact number 07595 563 048*
*Only use outside clinic hours


Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am - 2:00pm
Sunday: Closed but emergency visits available

David Tatton also holds a clinic on Wednesday afternoons at the Park Medical Centre, Invermead Close, W6 0QG.